This site is imagined as an archive, not a place where you find actual news... If you are looking for what Dani is doing right now go to the web page of his official fanclub 'Daniel Diges World'.

Monday, November 5, 2012

"I'm fulfilling many dreams"

You can find this interview here.

Daniel Diges, contestant and winner of the second gala of "Tu cara me suena", managed to find a free spot in his schedule to let us get to know his more personal side. The actor and singer confessed that he was about to throw in the towel, and that his son gives him strength and that he is his first fan. We have talked about his hobbies, his dreams, about this rollicking adventure called "Tu cara me suena" and about his companions whom he undoubtedly adores.

I'm not such a good boy as I seem

The interview is from the magazine "Semana" (printed version), of Octobre 31, 2012. 
Marian Cazorla
photos Rafael López and Antena 3

The second edition of "Tu cara me suena" again conquers the audience, this time on Monday nights on Antena 3. Daniel Diges is a part of the team of eight contestants prepared to confront each other harshly in order to win the prise. After his experience with Eurovision two years ago, where he ended 15th, now he's ready to declare himself a winner.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Échame a mí la culpa

*English, Greek, Bosnian... 

Échame a mí la culpa 

Sabes mejor que nadie
que me fallaste,
que lo que prometiste
se te olvidó.

Sabes a ciencia cierta
que me engañaste,
aunque nadie te amaba
igual que yo.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Daniel Diges triumphs in ‘Tu cara me suena’ (A3)

Diez minutos, 26/10/2012 
You can find this interview here

Daniel: “I know my voice better than my body” 
Of course, because he dares everything: Whitney Houston, Tino Casal, Antonio Molina… Dani is telling us how does he prepare his imitations.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Gastón - "Yo"

From the materials that we managed to find so far, we made you this little montage so you can get the idea of how exactly Dani sounds and looks as Gastón! The premiere of "La Bella y la Bestia" is expected in Valladolid, on September 1, 2012. More info on the musical here.

To watch the video on youTube click here.


Tú soñando siempre vas
y ahora sé por qué
ya te ves en el altar
siendo mi mujer.
Vas buscando un dueño para ti.
Nena, ya estoy aquí.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Daniel Diges and Raúl Peña present the musical 'La Bella y la Bestia (Beauty and the Beast)'

You can find this article here.

The actors play Gaston and Lefou, respectively, in the performance that will be in Murcia from October 26 to November 4

On Tuesday in the redaction of the Murcia's newspaper 'La Verdad' were the actors Daniel Diges and Raúl Peña, who interpret Gaston and Lefou in 'La Bella y La Bestia', due to the presence of the musical in the Auditorio Víctor Villegas from October 26 to November 4, during the Semana Grande of Cajamurcia.

The actors explained in a funny way how the performance looks like and sang one of the most known songs of the musical which will soon arrive to the region capital.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Gavilán o paloma

*English, Bosnian, Greek, 

Gavilán o paloma

No dejabas de mirar estabas sola
completamente bella y sensual.
Algo me arrastro hacia ti como una ola
y fui y te dije: "Hola, que tal?"

Esa noche entre tus brazos caí en la trampa
cazaste al aprendiz de seductor.
Y me diste de comer sobre tu palma
haciéndome tu humilde servidor.

Amiga, hay que ver como es el amor
que vuelve a quien lo toma
gavilán o paloma.
Pobre tonto, ingenuo charlatán
que fui paloma por querer ser gavilán.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ven sin temor

*English, Bosnian,

Ven sin temor

Y una vez a solas
contigo me encontré
y sin saber lo que pasó
recuerdo que lloré.

Fue mi amor acaso
una insensatez
entonces me dijiste no
ahora que tal vez.

Ven sin temor, aha
que con mi amor, na na na na
y así tal vez podrás soñar, na na na na
y tú sabrás que yo jamás na na na na
seré feliz sin tu querer, na na na na
sin temor ven junto a mí.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Eres tú

*English, Bosnian, German, 

Eres tú

Como una promesa eres tú, eres tú.
Como una mañana de verano.
Como una sonrisa eres tú, eres tú.
Así, así, eres tú.

Toda mi esperanza eres tú, eres tú.
Como lluvia fresca en mis manos.
Como fuerte brisa eres tú, eres tú.
Así, así, eres tú.

Eres tú como el agua de mi fuente.
Eres tú el fuego de mi hogar.
Eres tú como el fuego de mi hoguera.
Eres tú el trigo de mi pan.

¿Por qué te vas?

*English, Bosnian, German,

¿Por qué te vas?

Hoy en mi ventana brilla el sol.
Y el corazón se pone triste contemplando la ciudad.
¿Por qué te vas?

Como cada noche desperté pensando en ti.
Y en mi reloj todas las horas vi pasar.
¿Por qué te vas?

Todas las promesas de mi amor se irán contigo.
Me olvidarás, me olvidarás.
Junto a la estación yo lloraré igual que un niño.
¿Por qué te vas, por qué te vas?
¿Por qué te vas, por qué te vas?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I have always been very much into karaoke

You can find this article here.
February 22, 2012
By Ana Lobo - Qué.es

A versatile artist, Diges combines his participation in musicals with the launch of his new album and his role as producer.

Daniel Diges covers the greatest hits of the seventies on his new album, '¿Dónde estabas tú en los 70? (Where were you in the 70s?)'

Between musicals, projects with other colleagues and family, Daniel Diges still had time to release an album, '¿Dónde estabas tú en los 70? (Where were you in the 70s?)' (VIDEO). Although he wasn't born, he says that it is an era that has always liked "a lot", because he has always been "very much into karaoke". Although he didn't know how to sing, says Diges, "I went with my friends and sang this type of songs."

10 quick questions to Daniel Diges

You can find this article here.
13/02/2012 by teatro a teatro

Photographs of  Dani Diges' various professional stages

We are opening a new section. A section of quick and brief reading, to learn more about the professionals of the world of theater. We open with Daniel Diges. An actor and singer who is having a huge success with his new album "¿Dónde estabas tu en los 70? (Where were you in the 70s?)".

I know to turn the anger into positive energy

You can find this interview here.
February 12, 2012
By AMILIBIA - La Razón

«I think we have to charge our batteries with positive energy» - Photo: Cristina Bejarano

Friday, February 3, 2012

Daniel Diges believes that in the 70s it was easier for a good song to triumph

You can find this article here.

He who was Spanish representative in Eurovision 2010, Daniel Diges, who this week launches a new disc with covers of the themes from the seventies, believes that in that era "the music was functioning so good, that it was much easier for any good song to triumph", as he said in the interview with Efe.

"Television started to extend, there were only one or two channels and there was more money to do a better production", thinks the singer and actor, who regrets that, now with Internet, come out "constantly many great songs of new people that, however, do not reach to be heard, and he says that is good and the bad side of the network."

With his album "¿Dónde estabas tú en los 70?" Diges vindicates an age which he didn't live, but which he enjoyed thanks to his parents, in a work where he versions thirteen emblematic compositions of that period, as "Help", made popular by Tony Ronald, "Eres tú", performed originally by Mocedades; or "Algo de mí" sung by Camilo Sesto.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Interview with Daniel Diges

(by Alberto Coves)

You can find this article here. (El artículo original aquí)

We chatted with the singer who presents us his new album, ¿Dónde estabas tú en los 70? and his current projects...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Help! (Ayúdame)

*English, Bosnian, Greek, Russian, Estonian, German

Help! (Ayúdame) 

Solo en mi cuarto, en un rincón,
apurando un vaso y una ilusión.
Cuantas horas me paso sin nada más
que recordando su forma de amar.
Somos amigos desde niñez
y por eso te pido: ayúdame!
Esta noche contigo voy a salir,
rey de este mundo me quiero sentir.
He de olvidarme de aquel fracaso,
de aquel fracaso.

Help, ayúdame,
en tu amistad he puesto toda mi fe.
Help, ayúdame,
y tiéndeme la mano de un hermano.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hoy tengo ganas de ti

*** English, Bosnian, Greek, Bulgarian, Russian, Estonian, German

Hoy tengo ganas de ti 

Fuiste ave de paso
y no sé porque razón
me fui acostumbrando
cada día más a ti.

Los dos inventamos
la aventura del amor,
llenaste mi vida
y después te vi partir.

Sin decirme adiós
yo te vi partir.

Quiero en tus manos abiertas buscar mi camino
y que te sientas mujer solamente conmigo.
Hoy tengo ganas de ti,
hoy tengo ganas de ti.

Quiero apagar en tus labios la sed de mi alma
y descubrir el amor juntos cada mañana.
Hoy tengo ganas de ti,
hoy tengo ganas de ti.