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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Interview with Daniel Diges

(by Alberto Coves)

You can find this article here. (El artículo original aquí)

We chatted with the singer who presents us his new album, ¿Dónde estabas tú en los 70? and his current projects...
First of all thank you for this interview, we are a young medium and it is a pleasure to have artists like you.

Hora Punta: Soon you are getting out your second album: ¿Dónde estabas tú en los 70?, in which you pay tribute to national music of the 70s. Why the 70s? Do you feel identified with that time?
Daniel Diges: I believe that it is an age that had left very good songs and is now being remembered... We are going back to the seventies in many things, clothes, music and more.

HP: On January 5 we've seen you in a special gala of TVE where you literally introduced yourself in the performances of the 70s, singing alongside with Mocedades or Formula V. How was the experience? When you were proposed to do this?
Daniel: Well, it was after having the idea of the album with Warner, TVE got interested, it seemed very original to them to mix the album with the documentary and taking advantage of it all they made this program about the 70s, for me it was an honor to be in a project so nice.

HP: Do you think the evolution of music, perhaps towards more commercial, is being developed properly, or it marginalizes many potentialy good singers just for not being inside the canon of beauty?
Daniel: Well there is of all and that's good... Everyone to his own taste and I think that there lies the magic of music. Yes, it is true that now you have a lot of electronic music, but like I said before, I think many groups start out quite seventies-like and songwriters too with a lot to talk about.

HP: At the moment you are performing the musical Los miserables. Tell us a little about it.
Daniel: It is incredible to be in one of the world's biggest musicals. I recommend that people see it, is the best way that they see what it is about.

HP: You play the role of Enjorlas, a revolutionary man and a born leader, as you yourself have qualified. Are Enjolras and Daniel Diges alike?
Daniel: The truth is that rather than leader I'm a born fighter, and I do feel comfortable, really, when you play a character it makes you investigate and discover things even you yourself didn't know you had. His courage infected me.

HP: You are performing in the Barcelona Teatre Musical (the old Palau dels Esports). Until when we could see it?
Daniel: Until March 18.

HP: Well, and suppose that between the presentation of your new disc, Los Miserables, and until recently the production of Poker de Voices, you've been very busy. Where do you get time to be with your family and friends?
Daniel: Well, the truth is that at the end I always find it, I organize myself very well, and I give its place and importance to everything, first my family, then everything else, that way you never fail.

HP: As I already said it, until recently you were with the show Poker de Voces with David Ordinas, Ignasi Vidal, Pablo Puyol and Zenon Recalde. How was it to work with them?
Daniel: We continue, on March 19 we will be in the Arteria paralel in Barcelona. They are the best as companions.

HP: As we are getting nearer and nearer to the Festival of Eurovision, this question is inavoidable: What is your opinion about the choice of Pastora Soler as our representative?
Daniel: I love it, it will go very well.

HP: Have you gave her any advice?
Daniel: We haven't talked.

HP: We assume that your passage for Eurovision have opened you many doors and has made you known and admired by public, but have you ever found it bad? Have you ever thought that maybe you should not have presented yourself?
Daniel: Eurovision has been positive for me, only good things came to me after going.

And to finish, a few short questions:

Your last book read?
Aleph of Paulo Coello

One of your favorite bands or singers?
Michael Buble

A place to get lost?
Maldive Islands

And finally, a wish for 2012?
That everything keeps going as it is

From HoraPunta again we thank Daniel and we encourage you to buy his second album, ¿Dónde estabas tú en los 70?, which will be released on the 31th. You can follow Daniel Diges through Twitter: @DanielDiges.

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