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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Diges lands to the Lope de Vega with Poker de Voces on July 18. We invite you!

You can see this article here. (El artículo original aquí)

The Spanish representative at Eurovision 2010 does not rule out trying again in the future

Daniel Diges, Spanish representative at the Eurovision Song Contest 2010, lands next Monday, July 18, at the Teatro Lope de Vega in Madrid's Gran Vía with the show Poker de Voces. He is joined by David Ordinas, Gerónimo Rauch and Ignasi Vidal, the greatest voices of the musicals in Spain.

Diges has already filled twice the Teatro Häagen-Dazs with this show. "It was something that came between colleagues. One day I got together with David Ordinas and proposed to him that we do something. I already have a second album with Warner signed, and besides singing alone, why not do something with them too. I admire them greatly because they are the best voices out there right now in Spain, and have starred in musicals like the Phantom of the Opera and Jesus Christ Superstar," Diges points for