This site is imagined as an archive, not a place where you find actual news... If you are looking for what Dani is doing right now go to the web page of his official fanclub 'Daniel Diges World'.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I have always been very much into karaoke

You can find this article here.
February 22, 2012
By Ana Lobo - Qué.es

A versatile artist, Diges combines his participation in musicals with the launch of his new album and his role as producer.

Daniel Diges covers the greatest hits of the seventies on his new album, '¿Dónde estabas tú en los 70? (Where were you in the 70s?)'

Between musicals, projects with other colleagues and family, Daniel Diges still had time to release an album, '¿Dónde estabas tú en los 70? (Where were you in the 70s?)' (VIDEO). Although he wasn't born, he says that it is an era that has always liked "a lot", because he has always been "very much into karaoke". Although he didn't know how to sing, says Diges, "I went with my friends and sang this type of songs."

10 quick questions to Daniel Diges

You can find this article here.
13/02/2012 by teatro a teatro

Photographs of  Dani Diges' various professional stages

We are opening a new section. A section of quick and brief reading, to learn more about the professionals of the world of theater. We open with Daniel Diges. An actor and singer who is having a huge success with his new album "¿Dónde estabas tu en los 70? (Where were you in the 70s?)".

I know to turn the anger into positive energy

You can find this interview here.
February 12, 2012
By AMILIBIA - La Razón

«I think we have to charge our batteries with positive energy» - Photo: Cristina Bejarano

Friday, February 3, 2012

Daniel Diges believes that in the 70s it was easier for a good song to triumph

You can find this article here.

He who was Spanish representative in Eurovision 2010, Daniel Diges, who this week launches a new disc with covers of the themes from the seventies, believes that in that era "the music was functioning so good, that it was much easier for any good song to triumph", as he said in the interview with Efe.

"Television started to extend, there were only one or two channels and there was more money to do a better production", thinks the singer and actor, who regrets that, now with Internet, come out "constantly many great songs of new people that, however, do not reach to be heard, and he says that is good and the bad side of the network."

With his album "¿Dónde estabas tú en los 70?" Diges vindicates an age which he didn't live, but which he enjoyed thanks to his parents, in a work where he versions thirteen emblematic compositions of that period, as "Help", made popular by Tony Ronald, "Eres tú", performed originally by Mocedades; or "Algo de mí" sung by Camilo Sesto.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Interview with Daniel Diges

(by Alberto Coves)

You can find this article here. (El artículo original aquí)

We chatted with the singer who presents us his new album, ¿Dónde estabas tú en los 70? and his current projects...