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Friday, August 12, 2011

The photos that were not to come to light but are coming out

This is the entry on Dani's blog, you can find it here. (El blog de Daniel Diges aquí)

Poker de voces. The photos that never should have come out.

The great May made us some wonderful photos on the first Poker de voces. The truth is that while having so much work we haven't made a lot of photos. But during a few weeks, now that my ass can't take it anymore and begins to tell me to do something, 'cause it does not want any more vacation, I am going to groom for you some of the photos he left us that we weren't meant to publish for our dignity, photos of those silliest and cutest moments of Poker de voces...

Already at school my teacher Alphonsa said to me why don't I go to a circus and let her teach, and I think to these ones happened the same...

By the way, I'm posting them without their permission so maybe for the next Poker my suit wears Miguel Ángel Muñoz or Mikel Fernández or God knows who hahaha...

Big kiss.

PS. Clicking on the blue arrow you can see the three photos that we will be posting every week!
(This PS. is only if you are reading this directly on his blog, here I posted all the photos - Aida)

***The second entry on Dani's blog on this same subject can be seen here.

*** The third entry on Dani's blog on this same subject can be seen here.

*** The forth and final entry on Dani's blog on this same subject can be seen here.

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