This site is imagined as an archive, not a place where you find actual news... If you are looking for what Dani is doing right now go to the web page of his official fanclub 'Daniel Diges World'.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why this blog?

Hello to everyone!!!

If you are devoted fan of Dani, you probably already know who am I.... But, just in case, my name is Aida, I'm one of those numerous fans of this great guy, Daniel Diges, who don't have that luck to live  in Spain, and who have to follow him and his magnificent work from far away.... That's why I made the facebook page called "Daniel Diges - an english version", so that all of his non-spanish fans have the chance to follow him without needing to know spanish language... But it turnes out that Facebook doesn't offer enough space for everything I wanted to archive, so.... that's why this blog!
At the beginning I want to ask for your forgivness for eventual mistakes in my english, I know it's not perfect, but I hope that it's understandable...

So, I hope that you will find this blog useful, as I intend to post a lot of translations here....

1 comment:

  1. Every artist of the world would wish to have a fan like you... keep up your wonderful work and we will support it by all means... Viva Aida, Viva Dani !!!!
