This site is imagined as an archive, not a place where you find actual news... If you are looking for what Dani is doing right now go to the web page of his official fanclub 'Daniel Diges World'.

Monday, January 31, 2011

“From here, none of the other roles will raise this high”

The interview of on the day before the premiere of Los Miserables, Novembre 17th 2010. You can find it here, on the page 14.

Part of the cast of ‘Los Miserables’, led by Daniel Diges,
interpreting the number 'Sale el sol/One Day More' during one of the pre-premieres


¡Viva la Revolución!

"I want to be given the roles of bad guys"

The interview from the magazine in El Mundo, from November, 5th 2010. You can find this interview here, on the page 40.

"I want to be given the roles of bad guys"

The Eurovision singer plays a "miserable" revolutionary

Before half of Spain humed that algo pequeñito ou ou uooo, Daniel Diges (Madrid, 1981) had already played in teen series (Nada es para siempre), participated in a lot of commercials and starred in some of the most successful musicals of recent times (Mamma Mia!, Hoy no me puedo levantar, High School Musical ...). Now he's going back to his natural ambient, the scene, giving life to Enjolras, a passionate revolutionary who is willing to do anything to fight for his ideals.

Interview with Gato

(This is an old interview, made I believe back in 2002. You can find this interview here.)

This is Gato:

Sexy, sassy and funny. He is the inseparable companion of Adrian, accepted by his family as another son. He is the terror of the high school girls, a born flirt, though his love flings don't always end well. He has numerous admirers but he prefers to face the difficult challenges and chase more inaccessible girls. He is very intelligent and fearless, but so vague that his books only serve to fill his backpack.

Friday, January 21, 2011

How to participate?

Obviously I didn't do all these translations by myself, I have great and invaluable help of my "pequeñitos"... We are doing all that we can do, but even more can be done... If you have found some intereseting article that you'd like to see translated, tell me about it. About the translations of the songs, if your language is not among the listed, you can translate the song yourself and send it to me, and I'll post it... (send message here)
Or if you have some other suggestion that you think might be a good idea, don't hesitate to tell it. That's why exists that field to leave the comment ;o)
And the most important of all, english is not my first language, I'm not going to pretend that I know it perfectly.... So, whenever you notice some mistake or mistranslation (my spanish is even worse!), please do tell!
Every input will be evaluated carefully, I can assure you of that.
Help me in achieving my goal, making Daniel Diges an international star!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Momentos de Navidad

***English, Bosnian, Estonian, Greek, Russian, German

Momentos de Navidad      (Spanish)

Son momentos de soñar,
y pedirle regalos a la vida,
son momentos para perdonar,
y sentir de nuevo la fantasía.

Son momentos de reinventar
y disfrutar en buena compañia,
son momentos para celebrar
el nuevo año que nos trae la vida.


***English, German, Russian, Estonian, Bosnian, Greek

Alejandra     (Spanish)

Recuerdo y miro a mi alrededor
no cambio nada
que la vida me ha dado
a alguien como tú.

Secuestro el silencio
que me invade al penetrar
en tu mirada
me envuelvo en los momentos
y deseo siempre estar
muy cerca de ti
contigo hasta morir.

Si no miras no lo ves

***English, Russian

Si no miras no lo ves      (Spanish)

Gente con dinero
que no tienen ni salero
que no saben donde quieren tirar.

Gente sin un duro
con talento y sin futuro
que tropiezan cuando quieren andar.

Fijando la mirada en un vida que no quieren amar
frustradas esperanzas, almohadas atrapadas.


***English, Bosnian, German, Russian

Ángel     (Spanish)

Así es la ley
hay un ángel hecho para mí
te conocí
el tiempo se me fue tal como llegó.

Y te fallé
te hice daño tantos años yo
pasé por todo sin pensar, te amé sin casi amar
y al final quién me salvó
el ángel que quiero yo.

Todo me sabe a ti

***English, Russian, Estonian, Greek, German

Todo me sabe a ti     (Spanish)

Recupero aquellos momentos de mis pensamientos,
y esos instantes se llenan de felicidad.

Intento marcar tu teléfono y nunca me atrevo,
pues no sé si soy grato en tu mente y quieres hablar.

Todo me sabe a ti
tus besos me enganchan
tu cuerpo me mata pero sigo sin ti.


***English, Greek, Russian

Soñar     (Spanish)

Soñar no duele
soñar alivia
es el jarabe pa' la tos que da la vida.

Soñar es gratis
soñar invita
a sonreír cuando no hay nada que dé risa.

Te dejé marchar

***English, Bosnian, Greek, German, Russian

Te dejé marchar     (Spanish)

He soñado con tus manos
pintando el cielo de gris.

Con cuidado, muy despacio
yo mirando desde aquí
en un jardín de lágrimas
lágrimas por ti.


***English, Russian

Rápido     (Spanish)

Hoy no ha sido un buen día,
me ha creado confusión
me ha llevado a una ensoñación.

Donde no hay ni sol ni luna
sólo aire y libertad
inspirándome una irrealidad.

Te quiero así

***English, Greek, Bosnian, Russian

Te quiero así     (Spanish)

Eres música, una buena canción
una letra de amor, enigmática
como víbora con sabor a miel
sé que me vas a enloquecer.

Matemática, psicologíca,
cuando sonríes sabes bien adonde llegarás
acaríciame y luego atrápame
porque contigo quiero navegar.

Eres perfecta para mí

***English, Bosnian, Russian

Eres perfecta para mí     (Spanish)

Nunca intentes hacerte mía
con otra personalidad
no imagines ser compasiva
por si me dejas de gustar.

No dejaría nunca en la vida
por un instante estar sin ti
momento buenos, momentos malos
eres perfecta para mí.

Quédate conmigo

***English, Russian, Greek

Quédate conmigo     (Spanish)

Teniendo en cuenta que hoy faltó tu luz
en mi ventana
si el tiempo amenazara con borrarnos
por probar esa manzana.

Si todo lo que tengo se reduce a ti
si toda mi locura se quedó sin mí
niña, no te vayas, por favor
tu quédate conmigo
que esta noche tengo frío.

Se abre el telón

***English, Bosnian, Russian

Se abre el telón     (Spanish)

Busco en el silencio la verdad
intento investigar emociones para ti
sentir tus reacciones.

Mando mis tensiones a un cajón
converso con mi dolor
para hacerte sentir.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Algo pequeñito

*** English, Bosnian, Greek, German, Russian, Estonian, Hebrew, Norwegian, Macedonian, Slovenian, Serbian, Bulgarian

Algo pequeñito    (Spanish)

Algo pequeñito, algo chiquitito
una rosa blanca, una caricia
un beso dulce y un perdón.

Algo pequeñito, algo chiquitito
un gesto tierno, una mirada
un abrazo, una flor.

Algo pequeñito, algo chiquitito
un simple te quiero con dulzura
con cariño y con pasión.

Why this blog?

Hello to everyone!!!

If you are devoted fan of Dani, you probably already know who am I.... But, just in case, my name is Aida, I'm one of those numerous fans of this great guy, Daniel Diges, who don't have that luck to live  in Spain, and who have to follow him and his magnificent work from far away.... That's why I made the facebook page called "Daniel Diges - an english version", so that all of his non-spanish fans have the chance to follow him without needing to know spanish language... But it turnes out that Facebook doesn't offer enough space for everything I wanted to archive, so.... that's why this blog!
At the beginning I want to ask for your forgivness for eventual mistakes in my english, I know it's not perfect, but I hope that it's understandable...

So, I hope that you will find this blog useful, as I intend to post a lot of translations here....