This site is imagined as an archive, not a place where you find actual news... If you are looking for what Dani is doing right now go to the web page of his official fanclub 'Daniel Diges World'.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Gastón - "Yo"

From the materials that we managed to find so far, we made you this little montage so you can get the idea of how exactly Dani sounds and looks as Gastón! The premiere of "La Bella y la Bestia" is expected in Valladolid, on September 1, 2012. More info on the musical here.

To watch the video on youTube click here.


Tú soñando siempre vas
y ahora sé por qué
ya te ves en el altar
siendo mi mujer.
Vas buscando un dueño para ti.
Nena, ya estoy aquí.