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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Daniel Diges and Raúl Peña present the musical 'La Bella y la Bestia (Beauty and the Beast)'

You can find this article here.

The actors play Gaston and Lefou, respectively, in the performance that will be in Murcia from October 26 to November 4

On Tuesday in the redaction of the Murcia's newspaper 'La Verdad' were the actors Daniel Diges and Raúl Peña, who interpret Gaston and Lefou in 'La Bella y La Bestia', due to the presence of the musical in the Auditorio Víctor Villegas from October 26 to November 4, during the Semana Grande of Cajamurcia.

The actors explained in a funny way how the performance looks like and sang one of the most known songs of the musical which will soon arrive to the region capital.